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Mörtebo school


Mörtebo school was built in 1923
School activities ended in 1961. Read news article here (Swedish)
Nowadays the school is a private residence.
From the fall of 2010 it is the holiday lodge for Kristina and Dan and their family!


The Mörtebo blog:

Here we write about what we are doing (in Swedish).

Where is Mörtebo skola?
Here you find maps
and directions


Mörtebo photo album:
Here you find our recent pictures from Mörtebo



Older pictures from
Mörtebo skola
are available here
(1997 - 1999)

The school from an old picture.
From "Mörtebo - historien om en by iOckelbo" written by Erik Brodin 

Students in Mörtebo school 1948
From "Mörtebo - historien om en by iOckelbo" written by Erik Brodin 

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Ockelbo kommun
Ockelbo collection

Wij trädgårdar
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Fakta om Ockelbo från Wikipedia
Ockelbo marknad
Ockelbo skoterklubb
Ockelbo äventyr

Upplev Ockelbo
Tidernas väg - väg 272
Ockelbo sallat, Mörtebo 

 Uppdaterad 27 januari 2010